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Cadet College in Murree

Leading Provider

In Education Sector

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Cadet College in Murree

Leading Provider

In Education Sector

College Aims

promote understanding of equality of opportunity in all aspects of College life.

break down prejudices and build positive attitudes.

offer all Students a relevant and up-to-date education that promotes the cultural mix of our society. promote understanding and mutual respect of all members of society regardless of differences.

treat discrimination within the College seriously.

make known this policy to all members of the College community.

Cadet College Bhurban is established with the aim that target towards blending education and discipline together to develop a teenage boy to an all-rounder man. After finishing 6 years of study (training would be much better word) in cadet college, this all-rounder man is supposed to join armed forces and thus turn into a valuable asset for the forces and the country. Cadet College Bhurban is committed to shape the young generation having academic excellence, self–discipline and a sense of responsibility.
Bottom line can be drawn by saying that the Cadet College Bhurban is established to produce a strong all-round gentleman.

When considering admissions to the College, we do not treat Students differently on the grounds of ability, race, culture or class. We monitor access to the curriculum and achievement of different groups of Students to ensure that all Students have the same opportunities to learn and make progress. We aim to have an inclusive College that welcomes and respects all.

The main objective of the College is to prepare Cadets for Secondary and Intermediate Examination and to provide quality education coupled with Islamic Ideology, traditions and culture to mould the young generation into true Muslims, patriotic citizens and effective leaders in all walks of life to shoulder the responsibilities with courage, credibility and confidence.

Physical Training is also compulsory part of the routine followed in the College to make the Cadets physically fit and to prepare them for induction in Pakistan armed forces. However, they are free to pursue any field of study and take up any career after the completion of studies in the College.
